all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 8AA 24 3 51.679938 0.560588
CM3 8AB 27 23 51.678015 0.558322
CM3 8AD 4 0 51.681332 0.560595
CM3 8AE 18 3 51.681578 0.559492
CM3 8AF 6 1 51.68227 0.56004
CM3 8AG 2 0 51.683417 0.558467
CM3 8AH 23 1 51.684845 0.556898
CM3 8AJ 3 0 51.68232 0.547427
CM3 8AL 4 0 51.689646 0.549648
CM3 8AN 23 0 51.683789 0.559692
CM3 8AP 6 0 51.688403 0.565031
CM3 8AR 47 2 51.694414 0.573069
CM3 8AQ 5 0 51.68375 0.558185
CM3 8AS 1 1 51.692813 0.573919
CM3 8AU 7 0 51.678381 0.561065
CM3 8AW 3 0 51.686619 0.558025
CM3 8AX 2 0 51.678979 0.559475
CM3 8AY 49 0 51.67992 0.558114
CM3 8AZ 11 0 51.68043 0.558678
CM3 8BA 6 0 51.679203 0.55803